Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1770.05.07

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Index Entry Aspasia's shape or Chloe's lively eye [fl] 
Location Buck's County 
30 Apr-7 May 1770:591, 592 (173)
The following pastoral came inclosed to me in a very modest
letter, signed Telemachus, and dated from Bucks County; . .
. [6 lines introduction.  Poem in form of dialogue:]
  Aspasia's shape or Chloe's lively eye, 
  Or Armarillis' voice, I could defy;
  Or Helen's wit serene--but all conjoin'd
  In fair Amanda, overcomes my mind:
  . . . [1 1/2 columns, signed] Atticus, Philadelphia, 1770.
Numb. 65.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1770.05.07 
Publisher Goddard, W. and B. Towne 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0033523
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